
How to install Anaconda and virtual environment configuration, requirements.txt import and export related solutions in Pycharm

1. Introduction to Anaconda 1 Introduction Anaconda(Official website) is a release version that can easily obtain and manage packages, and at the same time can uniformly manage the environment. Anaconda includes more than 180 scientific packages and their dependencies including conda and Python. 2. Features Anaconda has the following features: Open source Easy installation process High performance... »

Basic tutorial for getting started with Django. (1. Overview and installation of Django)

Table of contents 1. Overview of Django1.Introduction to Django2.Django’s MTV 2. Django installation 1. Overview of Django 1.Introduction to Django If you read this article, you must be learning the back-end of website development, or want to learn the back-end development of a website, and choose the Django framework as the back-end of the website.That’s right, Django is a network framework... »

Anaconda environment cloning and migration

Native environment: Windows 10 Server environment: Windows Server 2012 R2 background:The company needs me to develop a simple web application. During development, it was developed on this machine. It is expected to be put into use on a remote server, but the remote server cannot connect to the external network. My original idea was to install Django on the server, but the installation process was ... »

Django GET HTTP 8000 / static/dist/js/flexible js net: : ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

at startupdjangoAfter the framework is running, I perform thehttp:// the address, but found that the page is messy. I right-clicked “Inspect” to open the browser source code,In the console, it was found that the css and js files referencing the link in the html file failed to load.,Why is this? Error reported: GET »

Chapter 1: Django installation and configuration of virtual environment

Table of contents 1. Install virtual environment (under windows environment) 1.pip installation 2. Create a folder to place the virtual environment 3. Create environment variables 2. Create a virtual environment 1. Simple command usage of virtualenv Create a virtual environment Check how many virtual environments there are and list them Switch virtual environments Exit the virtual environment 2. U... »

How to open Django project in Pycharm

Table of contents backgroundstep1.Open pycharm2. Configure the environment3. Run important pointSummarize background Now there is a project that separates the front and back ends. At the same time, a python environment package is given, which contains various third-party libraries required by the project. The backend is written using the Django framework, and the frontend is written using Vue. The... »

Django urls Underscore Pitfall-Using the URLconf defined in xxx, Django tried these URL patterns, in thi

SystemWin11Python version 3.10.4Django version 2Browser: Chrome In the file name, url configuration, view function name, etc.,Don’t splice underscores casually_, otherwise it is easy to report an error when the browser accesses it. Page not found (404) Request Method: GET Request URL: Using the URLconf defined in mysite7.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in th... »

Django’s echarts data visualization 3: use ajax to transfer data

Previously we have implemented simple echarts data visualization in the Django framework project. This article is in the first two articles echarts data visualization in django_Shuiw’s blog-blog Django’s echarts data visualization 2: Import database data_Shuiw’s blog-blogcarried out on the basis of. And note: This article does not use the same echarts example as the previous arti... »

Realize web page jump through DJANGO

How to implement page jumpUnderstand that is divided into two categories: one is global settings and the other is within modules.Understand url, related to pathUnderstand, which is a view layer. Simply understood, it controls the display of web pages.Store web pages (excluding css, js, png){% url ‘flow’ %} url refers to the ‘jumped page’ that calls »

Django—request.POST parsing

1 Introduction When using Django to develop a WEB website, you can usually obtain the parameters in the POST request through the request.POST request. But sometimes it is clear that the front end sends a POST request, but the relevant data is not obtained when request.POST is called, but there is data in request.body. This situation is usually caused by the requested Content-Type type or the incom... »

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